Monday, July 24, 2006

today our science teacher ask the class to go to this website,

hahas. some of the pictures there are really cute!!

Sea stars (Class Asteroidea)
i think of all the starfish there, this is the nicest.

Sand Star (Astropecten sp.)
oh!! the sides of the starfish is pricky!!

Sea star (Class Asteroidea)
this starfish looks like flying on the sky and been stuck on the tree

Colonial Anemones
this is discusting!! it looks like blue eyeballs!!

Robust red algae (Solieria robusta)
Some red algae are a source of agar-agar used to make jellies.Some are farmed for a particular substance called carrageenan which is usedto stabilise food and medicinal products.
OMG!! it is a soure of agar-agar [jelly].i don't want to eat any jelly any more!!

i am going to dream of those eiky thing tonight. SOB SOB...

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