Wednesday, November 21, 2012




新的戒指失了光澤 幾年過了呢
沈默著 天快暗了 我們該把 往事收拾了
再多說 也回不去了
後來的 都沒關係了
縱然我 想起你的 某年某天 歷歷還深刻

分開後有一段日子 躲得遠遠的
終於我 都走完了 慢慢也懂 當時不懂的
此刻你 生疏的溫柔
觸及我 結痂的傷口
以前多 不能原諒 如今都能 笑著說出口

我曾為你快樂 也曾為你挫折
曾把你 緊緊抱著 緊緊依賴著 緊緊地愛著
離開很不捨得 以為會崩潰的
卻在最痛的時刻 最感覺清澈

思念偶爾 參雜淚水 很快就乾了
時間會 幫我負荷 讓我的痛 淡掉了顏色
相遇在 熟悉的路口
翻攪著 內心的沈澱
遺失的 那個永遠 永遠還是 留在我心間

緣分沒有 再一次選擇

Friday, November 09, 2012

Its been 3 weeks.

Hello readers! I have a little bit of spare time today so I decided I should spend some time blogging. (: Never blogged since school reopen, its been 3 weeks already. Next week would be submission week and I still haven't start coding the website. I hope I will be able to complete in time!

Because we were doing our own portfolio website, I decided to try illustrating my own face for the first time. So.. here it is. And I admit, I don't know what to do with the nose. T_T

This is the original picture, from which I took reference from. 

Oh, and I couldn't blog about my Genting trip because my sis have not. Because some of the pictures are with her. I think by the time she blog about it, I've already forgotten what happened at Genting. ):

Its been so long since I last went to the gym, I think my stamina now is back to square one. Really couldn't find time to go to the gym. Or maybe, I'm just too lazy.. :X Oh well, no motivation for me anyway.

There's so much more going on in my life right now, but I just don't know how to express my thoughts and feelings. Because expressing them out might lead into more disputes. Really don't know what more can I do now. I feel so.. helpless. I don't think anyone can help me in this, only the person who made me became like this, can solve this problem I'm facing. But too bad, I think the person didn't notice, or maybe, don't even care. Moreover, I'm not that important anymore.

I guess I have to depend on myself even more now. I don't know how my future would be like, but I hope, it will be much more better than how it is right now. I believe I'll be even more happier once I reached a decision. Most importantly, I must have a strong will. And I'll be strong.