Friday, November 09, 2012

Its been 3 weeks.

Hello readers! I have a little bit of spare time today so I decided I should spend some time blogging. (: Never blogged since school reopen, its been 3 weeks already. Next week would be submission week and I still haven't start coding the website. I hope I will be able to complete in time!

Because we were doing our own portfolio website, I decided to try illustrating my own face for the first time. So.. here it is. And I admit, I don't know what to do with the nose. T_T

This is the original picture, from which I took reference from. 

Oh, and I couldn't blog about my Genting trip because my sis have not. Because some of the pictures are with her. I think by the time she blog about it, I've already forgotten what happened at Genting. ):

Its been so long since I last went to the gym, I think my stamina now is back to square one. Really couldn't find time to go to the gym. Or maybe, I'm just too lazy.. :X Oh well, no motivation for me anyway.

There's so much more going on in my life right now, but I just don't know how to express my thoughts and feelings. Because expressing them out might lead into more disputes. Really don't know what more can I do now. I feel so.. helpless. I don't think anyone can help me in this, only the person who made me became like this, can solve this problem I'm facing. But too bad, I think the person didn't notice, or maybe, don't even care. Moreover, I'm not that important anymore.

I guess I have to depend on myself even more now. I don't know how my future would be like, but I hope, it will be much more better than how it is right now. I believe I'll be even more happier once I reached a decision. Most importantly, I must have a strong will. And I'll be strong. 

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