Thursday, October 18, 2012

End of holidays

Hi guys, I'm back from a short holiday trip at Genting Highlands last night! Went there on Sunday for 4D3N, and I can say, it wasn't a really great trip. A lot of things screwed up from the first day at the check in. Will elaborate more about it when I blog about it! I promise to blog about it okay? Last year's genting trip, I never even uploaded the photos to my computer. Hahaha, I have no idea where is it now.

This week is the last week of my school holidays. School reopens on Monday. I hope the modules will be much more easier this semester. Last semester was a whole lot of codings. I don't like codings. ): However, I am very very happy with my results! Got 2 As, 3 B+s and 2 Bs. And that two B grade I get, happens to be from the lecturer that I dislikes most. Last semester's B grades were also from the lecturer I dislike most. :/

My GPA for this semester is 3.56! Very happy that I improved. :D So for my CGPA now, its 3.48. I want to maintain grades like this. I want to keep on improving! My first semester GPA during year 1 was 3.38, second semester was 3.50. So it sort of pulled up my CGPA. Now that I got 3.56 GPA, my CGPA was pulled up to 3.48! Next semester results must be at least 3.50!!!

Timetable have also came out while I was in Genting. I've got my most wanted CDS since year 1, which is Basic Digital Textile Creation. Haha, but Evelyn and Shirley got different CDS from me. I'm gonna be alone again. T_T Why I always kena CDS that makes me separated from everyone!!

Lastly, I hope this year will end great and happily. (:

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