Saturday, September 29, 2012

Wake me up when september ends

September is about to end. Didn't I just said Hi to September? Soon we'll all be saying goodbye to 2012 also. Time really pass by faster and faster as you grow older. But things I love will still remain the same.

So.. this is the amount of soft toys I sleep with every night.

Posted this picture on Instagram a few days ago, and people were shocked. Hahaha, I should already be expecting this. Even my boyfriend doesn't want to buy me any more soft toys because my bed is already half filled with them. Can't stop my love for adorable soft toys.

Last night, we had a quarterly staff meeting & recognition. Instagram-ed about the letter I received from the company. I love feeling the sense of achievement and also being appreciated.

Soon, working wouldn't be as fun anymore. Today is just the first day and I'm already having a shitty day at work. So many staffs didn't turn up, and all of us who went to work, worked like shit. Argh, not going to talk about it.

Ending this post with a current most loved photo of us! :D

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