Monday, December 31, 2012

Goodbye 2012, Welcome 2013.

Its the end of the year again. I don't really remember all the things that has happened throughout the year, but I can still remember a few significant ones. Maybe the picture below could summaries it for me. 

Well, lets start with the achievements I've made this year.

- Promoted to Star.
- Designed a poster for the company.
- Recognition for receiving compliments by customers.
- Trained new staffs.
- Received the Sliver Award for the Excellent Service Award 2012
- Cross-trained in Front of House and Back of House.

- Achieved a GPA of 3.56 for Semester 2.1!!! (Cumulative GPA is now 3.48)
- Learned a lot more skills in Adobe Photoshop & Illustrator.
- Made my own portfolio online.
- Learned to speak Japanese!
- Illustrated my own face!!!

And for being 18 years old this 2012, I've had a lot of first times too!!
- Watching an M18 movie in the cinema.
- Buying the lottery, and actually striking. ^^
- Drank a whole can of beer by myself. (I still don't like the taste of  beer)

Other than achievements and first times, I've also made many changes.
- Started watching Running Man. (I've never regretted this decision)
- Started saving money.
- Started exercising at the gym. (Even though I've stopped going for months now..)
- Created an Instagram account. 
- Came back to blogging.
- Lost a total of 8 kilograms. (I'm so happy OMG)

Of course, I've had many regrets this year as well. A list of things that I regret not doing and things that I haven't done. Mostly, those new year resolutions that never gets stroked off the list.
- Getting hold of my own ATM Card. ):
- Creating my own blog shop.
- Go clubbing. (I just want to have an experience)
- Still socially awkward. T_T

And many many many more. I just couldn't think of them right now. Before starting this blog post, I really couldn't recall what happened this year, its like not much significant changes. But once I start thinking hard and typing them out, I realized so much has happened. 

As for my love life, well.. I don't have one now. I've loved and lost, but I don't regret. I believe people came in to my life to teach me things, and even if they left in the end, at least I've learnt something. I want to start afresh in the coming year 2013. I should stop clinging on things that is not mine, just because I'm too used to it. 

So.. whats my new year resolution for 2013?

I don't know. I'm too afraid if I list them down, I'll never achieve them. As you know.. new year resolutions are always the things that we want to do, but are too lazy to try achieving them. Hahaha! So lets end this with a nice tip for the new year! (:

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