Monday, October 05, 2015

Contemplating on further studies

As you've read from the title.. yes. I'm contemplating on whether it's time for me to go out of my comfort zone and get a degree.

Upon graduation from poly, getting a degree wasn't my priority. Firstly, where do I get the money? Secondly, after studying for so many years, why would I want continue studying for 3 more years, and at the same time, putting myself into a debt before I even start earning a stable income? Thus, I gave myself 2 years to decide whether I really want to get a degree. 

A year and a half has passed, and as I'm starting to see some of my ex course-mates graduating from university, which gets me thinking, is it time to get mine? Of course, I've laid out some pro and cons.

1. A degree isn't necessary to find success in the design industry.
2. University Course Fees: $22k+
3. Be in debt for at least 2 to 3 years when I get a student loan. (22k/2yrs = ~ 1k/mth)
4. Having to step out from my comfort zone.
5. Putting a halt in my career progression.

1. Open to more job opportunities after graduation.
2. Higher salary range with a degree.
3. Chance to build a better portfolio in university.
4. Freedom to design and conceptualize bold ideas which real life clients will never risk to approve.
5. I'm still in my early twenties. If not now, then when?
6. Course duration is only 1 year.

Part of me wants to stay in the industry, earning a stable income every month and having the freedom to spend on whatever I want. But the other part of me wants to be challenged. To step out from my comfort zone and progress in life. I want to learn more things and see my limits. I want to put effort into something which I'll be proud of at the end of the day. I want the future me to thank me for the decision I make today.

Guess this shall be the goal I'm going to work hard for after getting my driving license! Right now, let me just focus on passing my driving test. Hahaha. Till then! 

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