Sunday, December 31, 2017

Goodbye 2017, Hello 2018!

2017 has been one hell of a year and literally went by just like that. Is it due to age that each year seems to past by quicker and quicker? :(

Now, to reflect what are the major things that happened this year!

1. I graduated from university and achieved a Bachelor's Degree with Distinction!

I still remember how much of a conflict I was in when I contemplated for further studies. But I'm glad I made the decision to do so, despite all the student loan debts I'm in now, because I met a bunch of friends whom I hold dear to me now! It's always full of laughter and full of love with them!


Also.. university also brought me to the next best thing in 2017..

2. I started working in Standard Chartered as a User Experience Manager. 

It was an opportunity given to me, in which to date, I still feel very grateful and lucky for. The working environment is superb, I have great bosses and met colleagues whom I can click with very well! What's even better is the job scope, until to the point I even start telling people I think I have found my dream job.

You know you really found your passion when you can be dealing occasional angsty shit from day to day, but still happy and motivated to go to work. Prior to this job, I've always wondered whether I'm suitable to be a designer as sometimes there is so so so much frustration when I'm trying to deal with graphic design work. But now I finally see that my path.. is in User Experience. It's intriguing and it's always changing, so there's so so much to learn. And it all comes to me naturally, like all the past habits of mine, getting curious at how things work or how it can be better, if this or that.. IT'S USER EXPERIENCE!

*cue dramatic sound effect.

Okay, enough of being amazed at my job, now look at my huge UX team!


This is major okay.. Hahaha. My first encounter of snow was in Tokyo where I was amazed yet disappointed at the same time. Cause in my mind, I've always thought snow is fluffy, just like in cartoons. But no, I see snow like ice kachang in Tokyo.

But in the recent trip to Hokkaido, DAMN, THE FRESH SNOW LEGIT FLUFFY SIAH.

Oh! And here's the video of the travel vlog I attempted!

4. I finally learnt how to swim. 

I can swim now, but not that good yet. So I shall say "I learnt" how to swim. At least now I can legit swim a distance, just not good with breathing, and stamina, yet. I kind of love the process of swimming, but hate all the annoying things that comes with it, like having to shower afterwards, and carrying the heavy, soaked wet swimsuits around after.

5. I bought the second book I've ever bought in my life.

Image result for the rules of people

The Rules of People; A personal code for getting the best from everyone. 

These Rules are the guiding principles that show you how to connect with strangers, build strong relationships with friends and colleagues, and even get the best out of difficult people. They will help you say the right thing, do the right thing, and know instinctively how to handle every situation. You’ll have relaxed, easy relationships and you’ll be that person who gets on with everyone.

Yeah, I needed that. I'm not good at handling relationships with people. Be it family, friends or partner. And I want to do better. Thus.

6. Barry broke the record of being the longest relationship I ever had.

Well, even though 1.5 years is relatively an easy record to break, but still, this relationship is my longest relationship ever.

Remember the post I wrote 1 year ago about our relationship when we were just together for half a year? I just read it again and it's safe to say, the majority of them didn't change. He is still consistent with the things I love him for, which I'm really grateful.

Of course, the year didn't go by so perfectly and magically like couples in the honeymoon period. In fact, we quarrelled so so so many times, over trivial things that really isn't worth so much of anger, sadness and frustration in the end. Sometimes, to the point that it's really tiring. I think our biggest problem is miscommunication, often leading to misunderstandings. It is also due to the different life experiences we had prior to when we had each other, which makes all these 'new' things seem simple to one, but actually quite complicated for another.

But at the end of the day, it's all these quarrels and conflicts that help us learn more about each other, to be more patient and understanding towards each other. It's the mutual efforts of wanting to make this relationship work, that matters.

7. Oh ya, and my sister got married, and it's the first time I became a Maid of Honour. 

★ Setting my resolutions for Year 2018! ★

1. I want to treat my body better. 
Okay la, I shall be frank. I just want to lose some weight and also make the effort to go exercise more. Hahaha.

2. Have more patience for the people around me.
That's why I buy the "Rules of People" book.

3. To see things in a brighter perspective. 
More love, less hate. Makes my life easier.

4. Save up and spend lesser on unnecessary things!
This student loan is depleting my savings. I need to end the torture asap!

Alright, that's all. Now let's just say.. see you next year!

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