Sunday, August 19, 2012

Selamat Hari Raya!

Selamat Hari Raya all Muslim people out there!

Today is just an off day and relaxing day for me! Went to Tampines with family!
Dressed casually cause I stay in Pasir Ris. Nearby only! Just like how I usually dress for school. (: I can't wait for this module to end and then happily enjoy my 1 month holidays. Really too stress with school these few months. Maybe because we are mostly learning codings. Hate them! I prefer print works.

Did this poster for Pizza hut sometime ago, very satisfied with it! Though I could see some small minor alignment mistake. Want to fix them everytime i notice it. ): 1 pixel means a lot. Hahahahha!

Oh, and, I'm single now. It will take some time for me to get use to single life, but I know I can get through this. In fact, I think I'm feeling much better now being single than feeling lonely while attached.

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