Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Updates of my life.

Half a month since I last blogged. Its currently P2 now and I have no extra time for blogging. ): Even though I have a little time for online shopping. Hehehehe. Follow me on TWITTER @joanneCHIA or INSTAGRAM @joannnechia to keep updated about my life. I'm more active there now than here. Plus afterI had Instagram, I stopped using my digital camera. So, all the photos later on are from instagram. :/

Recently, I just chopped 15cm of my hair. I cut straight somemore. I MISS MY LONG LONG HAIR. ): Very miss it. You seeeeeeeee!!!

Cannot see the ending. Hahhaha, oh and I bought this online recently. Did not had a chance to use it yet though. :/

Tomorrow is submission for 1st interim presentation. Thursday will be the actual presentation! I'M READY FOR IT. :D

Wish me luck! Okay bye!!!!

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