Friday, November 15, 2013

30 Day Challenge Day 15

Day 15 - Your favorite tumblrs.

This post got me scrolling endlessly on tumblr again. Well, my favorite tumblrs are all reflected on my tumblr. Here you go:

Thursday, November 14, 2013

30 Day Challenge Day 14

Day 14 - Your earliest memory.

As far as I remember, I was a rather quiet child as compared to my sister when we were all the same age. I'm more of a shy child, which has my feelings all shown in my face. When I'm hungry, I just look sad and blur. But once I was given food, my whole world seems to have brighten up and I started talking a little more. I witness this through one of my childhood videos.

I'm so thankful for having videos of myself when I was a child. It makes me remember how I was as a child. I really really hope I'll make the effort to document every stage of my child's life when I become a mother one day.

I think this is a chance for me to spam a few of my baby/childhood photos right? Hehehe.

When I was 1 month old, according to my mum.

When I got a little older, with my elder sister!

I'm quite a happy child.

\But sometimes I'm grumpy.

And a portrait with my elder sister!

There must be food somewhere behind the camera.

Look! I'm a Christmas tree!

And sometimes I wonder.

Look at my hippy sister.

And me trying to do the twist that my sis always does.

You mean this jacket don't fit me?

I love meal times!

Would you like some tea?


Those were the days where we change into PJs before sleeping.

Play time!

There was a peacock right behind my mum/dad who was taking the photo.

Singing Que Sera Sera~~

At Genting.

My air stewardess moment.

And a last photo of my sister and I with our uncle at Genting!

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

30 Day Challange Day 13

Day 13 - Somewhere you would like to move or visit.

There's so many places I would like to visit. So many.

And many many more.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

30 Day Challenge Day 11 & 12

Day 11 - Put your iPod on shuffle and write 10 songs that pop up.

Well, I don't have an iPod, so I'm just gonna use my own music playlist in my phone. And um, it doesn't have to be just English Songs right? This is kinda pointless. ._.

1. 周杰伦 -  晴天
2. 罗志祥 - 幸福不灭
3. The Band Perry - If I Die Young
4. Lady Antebellum - Need You Now
5. Taylor Swift - Teardrops on My Guitar
6. 吴建豪 - 爱没走
7. Girls Generation - Paparazzi
8. Britney Spears - Everytime
9. 飛輪海 - 寂寞暴走
10. Linkin Park - Numb

All of it except the last song is something that I would consider a good song if I were listening on shuffle while travelling.

Day 12 - Bullet your whole day.

Today is a pretty boring day. It was Proposal submission day for my Final Year Project.

So I woke up at about 9am in the morning, and get prepared for submission that is going to happen at 11am. So I took the bus 518 to school, and iris lied to me that the bus is coming in 5 mins, but it only came like I don't know how long. So yeah, I eventually board the bus and went to school and met Evelyn to put all the submission materials into an envelop and then went up to the studio and waited for submission.

Elvis, my lecturer, was late for 30 mins. Okay, and then original plan after submission was to go to the gym. BUT, I GOT LAZY PLUS IT WAS SWEATER WEATHER. So, I skipped it and went home and surfed the net all day, until now. Okay the end.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

30 Day Challenge Day 10

Day 10 - Discuss your first love and first kiss.

Another interesting topic. Okay, so if first love means first boyfriend I've ever had, then its when I was 12 years old. If it means the first time I've loved someone, then it would be 15 years old. I had my first boyfriend when I was 12 years old. Well, it was the lame crush kind of relationship. In fact, we never even date like normal couples do, nor did we even held hands. It was the innocent and innocent - I like you, you like me -  kind of relationship. Coming to think about it, it was kind of dumb though. The only moments we shared together were chatting on the phone daily, stealing glances at each other shyly in classes, passing notes, chatting on msn. And this is how we got together.

Hahahaha, yeah, I am the kind that will keep this kind of  things in a box, tucked away at the corner of my cupboard. We lasted about 5 months? We separated when we were 2 months into different secondary schools. The break up was peaceful. I didn't cry or anything, it's just like; Orh, okay. Hahahaha, so I'm very sure this isn't love.

My next relationship was even more dumb. It happened when I was 13 and it lasted only 18 days? But we did held hands and hang out together after school. Chat on the phone, talk to each other in classes and took neoprints? Aiya, it was a no feeling relationship. It ended abruptly too.

I had my first kiss when I was 14, in the lift while he sent me home one day. It was a quick awkward peck on the lips. I struggled before it happened. It wasn't a very magical first kiss. Hahaha, mainly because I wasn't really in love with the guy? It was a very uncomfortable relationship, as far as I remember why it didn't work out. Now I know why parents are always telling us not to get into a relationship when we are so young. Because its all just infatuation.

I forgot how long this relationship lasted, but I remember I hurt the person quite a lot while getting into my next relationship, which I considered it my first love. The first time I really got head over heels in love with a guy.

I believe I've grown up a lot through my first love. It lasted for a year and three months, with countless breaking ups and patching back in between. I guess the reason why I got so in love with this guy is because he is the only one that knows me the best. My weaknesses, my strengths, my habits, my favorite foods, everything, he knows it all. I didn't put in much effort for this relationship as he was the one guiding me along all the time. I relied on him a lot.

The reason why we didn't worked out was initially because he was a player, and I was dumb. Throughout our whole journey, there are more than 5 different girls then got in between us one by one. When all of his player moments ended, he was faithful. But good days don't last long enough. The biggest problem happened, and that's what I believed to be the main reason why we didn't work out.

He became over possessive, controlling and protective towards me. I wasn't allowed to talk to any other guys, and sometimes even my girlfriends. I wasn't allowed to reply texts in one word, or reply late without any explanation. It was tiring, and scary, and I cried a lot. Loads of people asked me why don't I just break up with him and end all this pain. He made me lost tons of friends. Despite being so controlling, he is a sweet talker. Even after all the times where I felt so scared and wanted to just end it all, he will bring me back to him, in love all over again with his sweet talks, and sometimes sweet actions. Tons of love letters, jokes that made me smiled again and the reassurance that he will change. Of course, he didn't change.

Although he was a jerk, he didn't laid a finger on me. Even when I hit him when I'm angry, he doesn't fight back. He's the first guy that made me screamed at the top of my lungs, cried till I couldn't breathe properly and laughed till I couldn't stop.

I built up my courage to finally leave him after I had my O Levels, right before receiving our results. Even so, I admit, I wasn't really over him even after 6 months later, when I got on to the next relationship. I took more than a year to get over him, and finally realize the treasure I had. But it was all too late. I've hurt the guy too much. But he was forgiving. And I was thankful for that.

That relationship started when I was 17. He was the first guy that I've officially introduced to my family as my boyfriend. This relationship is the first one that I've put in so much effort on. We went on dates like regular couples do. It was a "以结婚为前提" kind of relationship. Hahahaha. How it failed is another story all together. I've posted about it before.

After having went through all these, I'm now more careful in choosing a boyfriend. I no longer just get into a relationship just because he likes me and I like him. I think far ahead, like, if this guy is a boyfriend material or a husband material. Does he treats his parents well? Will he treat me well? Is he for real? Is he responsible? Am I comfortable? Will my parents like him?

I can't quite spell out exactly what's my type of guy, but I know it in my heart when I secretly judge guys. Oops!

Saturday, November 09, 2013

30 Day Challenge Day 07, 08 & 09.

Day 07 - Your zodiac sign and if you think it fits your personality.

I'm a Leo.

"Leo is the fifth sign of the zodiac. These folks are impossible to miss, since they love being center stage. Making an impression is Job One for Leos, and when you consider their personal magnetism, you see the job is quite easy. Leos are an ambitious lot, and their strength of purpose allows them to accomplish a great deal.

The fact that these folks are also creative makes their endeavors fun for them and everyone else. It's quite common to see a Leo on stage or in Hollywood, since these folks never shy away from the limelight. They are also supremely talented and have a flair for the dramatic. Warmth and enthusiasm seems to seep from every Leo pore, making these folks a pleasure to be around. They do love pleasure!

The great strengths of the Leo-born are their creativity, idealism and leadership. Lions don't lack for ambition, either, so they're likely to accomplish a lot -- and have fun while they're at it. Their warmth and loyalty ensures that others will enjoy the ride as well."

I think I'm 80% Leo. Most of the characteristic fits me, but I'm like the shyer version of most Leos.

Day 08 - A moment when you felt the most satisfied with your life.

I think I feel the most satisfied with my life is when I receive my results and I did much better than I expected. Or when I get praised by people. Hahahaha! Basically its just when something good/unexpected happens to me lor.

Day 09 - How you hope your future will be like.

Full of happiness in whatever I do. Good answer right? :D Okay bye bye! Hahhahaa;

Thursday, November 07, 2013

30 Day Challenge Day 06

Day 06 - Write 30 interesting facts about yourself. 

Wow. I think this is by far the most interesting topic. But sorry, I'm late for one day. Hahaha, oh and I've previously posted 20 facts about me. So I'm gonna top up and eliminate the ones that doesn't apply or isn't that interesting anymore!

1. In real life, I prefer conversing in Chinese.

2. I am an INFJ, according to the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator. A personality test I did this year.
3. Easily moved by touching dramas or films.
4. My all time favourite artist is Show Luo.
5. I don't take afternoon naps, because when I do, I'll wake up having a headache and be in a bad mood.
6. I'm the happiest when I'm eating yummy food.
7. I laugh easily, like really easy.
8. I trust people easily.
9. I'm more attracted to guys who are humorous.
10. I don't talk much when I'm in a group, I prefer listening to people talk.
11. My shoe size is huge. EU 40.
12. I cannot stand grammar mistakes.
13. I can play the saxophone. 
14. I cannot swim.
15. I like going to amusement parks because they have roller coaster rides in there. 
16. I cannot stand the hot sun shining on me. I usually will use my hand to shade myself.
17. I don't like walking behind people. I need to have at least a meter of distance away from the person walking in front of me.
18. When I'm explain things, I like to add sound effects all the time.
19. I always "Huh?", "Orh." and "Han nor!".
20. I have a little bit of OCD. 
21. I am more into Chinese songs than any other songs in other languages.
22. I don't eat tomato, carrots and shitake mushrooms.
23. I am the kind who plans ahead for everything.
24. I still play with soft toys and hug them to sleep every night. Half of my queen size bed is filled with them. Don't judge me. 
25. I like stalking people on social media once in a while. 
26. I like making handmade gifts for people. 
27. I can't sleep without a blanket. 
28. I always wake up before noon, even without an alarm clock. 
29. I drink very little water. 
30. I have a habit to finish up the food on my plate, even when I'm full. (Unless I'm extremely bloated or the food taste horrible)

Tuesday, November 05, 2013

30 Day Challenge Day 05

Day 05 - A time you thought about ending your own life.

I am actually someone who is pretty scared to do life-changing decisions. I will ponder and ponder for a long long time before I actually tried to do something that might change my whole life. So about ending my own life? Nah.. Its too scary. I actually haven't really thought of ending my own life before.

Perhaps when I was younger, I did thought about this issue before. But I wasn't really depressed or whatever. I was just curious about what if I ended my own life. I've ever asked questions to myself like, if I would have the courage to end my life by jumping down the building? I really don't understand how people have the courage to end their lives by jumping down high rise buildings. Its like, what if you regret when you are on the way down??

I've also thought of dying by suffocating in water / under a pillow. Which is impossible to do it on your own because everyone will struggle by nature. Unless you throw me into the deep sea or try to suffocate me under a pillow.

I've grown to cherish my life a lot. I'm a very "kiasi" person. Like when crossing big stretches of road, I usually will run across screaming if there's any car approaching. I don't want to die yet okay. I also will consider if my heart can take it if I take rides like gyrodrop / spaceshot  in theme parks. So, to date, I haven't really tried any yet.

*abruptly ends the post cause I can't think of anything to end this post properly.*

Monday, November 04, 2013

30 Day Challenge Day 03 & 04

Omg. I actually forgot about this while I was free at home the whole day yesterday. Hahaha. Day 03 and 04 are so boring. So sorry but I think I'll just pass. Okay la.. I write a few paragraphs.

Day 03 - Your views on drugs and alcohol.

Well, I don't do drugs, and I know nothing about drugs so lets skip that. As for alcohol, I don't like beers. I don't understand why people like beers. Its so bitter and gasey. Totally not worth drinking at all. Ciders are fine for me, wines are fine for me too. 

I've drank like a full can of beer once, and the feeling that came after is definitely not good at all. Cider, half a bottle once. Both times, same thing happened to me. My face goes red, then its a little hard for me to breathe, like there's something stuck on my chest. Then I feel all warm and humid. And then headache strikes in. The feeling is not nice at all. Then I want to sleep. 

I can't imagine if I were to take like a shot of hard liquor. I'd probably faint. Hahahaha. Don't wanna try. 

Day 04 - Your views on religion.

I'm a Buddhist. Erm. Actually, I have no views on religion.

Okay, bye bye. Hahahaha.

Saturday, November 02, 2013

30 Day Challenge Day 02

Day 02 - Where you'd like to be in 10 years.

Ten years from now, I would be 29 years old. Wow. That's very very far away. Of course, as a women, I would like to have a family of my own, to be married to a loving husband and have adorable kids. That's one thing I want to achieve before I turn 30.

Career wise, I see myself working in design houses, preferably Nokomai. Hahaha. It's either this, maybe I ended up doing something totally what I've never thought I would do now. Oh, and actually, my best friend and I kind of wants to open a cafe together when we grow up. She, of course will take care of the kitchen part, (because she's studying Baking and culinary science) while I will take care of the design part. I kind of want it to become like SPRMRKT. I'm totally in love their concept.

Oh ya, apart from having a family of my own, I also wish I would still be in contact with my poly friends. Maybe ten years from now, we will be attending each of our children's birthday parties. Hahahaha. But I wonder who will get married first. Hmmmmm.

I think I should really look back into this blog post ten years later, to see if my life turned out to be what I expected at a young age of 19. Can anyone remind me 10 years later?

Friday, November 01, 2013

30 Day Challenge Day 01

Day 01 - Your current relationship, if single discuss how single life is.

Well, since I'm single, so I'm gonna discuss how single life is. If I'm not wrong, this is by far the longest I've ever been single, ever since I started my first relationship. Its been 1 year already I guess, couldn't remember when exactly was the date I became single. Time passed by really really fast this year. Wasn't it July just a while ago where I celebrated my birthday? I can't believe its November now. Time is passing by too quickly. When I turn 20 next year, it must be a magical feeling. Its like, I'm no longer a teen, and my age doesn't starts with 1 anymore, its 2 already. Okay okay, I've gone off track.

So.. How's single life? Actually, there are pros and cons. Let me talk about the pros first.

My mobile phone's battery lasts 10 times more longer. Okay la, maybe not to that extend but really, it lasts a lot more longer since I don't really use it. I no longer had to pick up my phone every min to reply text messages. I only use it when I want to view social media. I've really got too used to not using phone to the extend when sometimes I even forget about my phone. My phone will just be inside my bag the whole day, even when I reach home, I only remember it when I go to bed.

Second thing I like about being single, is that.. I can finally watch dramas/movies/variety shows IN PEACE. (And also focus more when I'm doing some design assignment.) Gone are the days where I need to pause whatever I'm watching, just to reply to a text message. This feeling is SHIOK. Hahahaha. I think being single makes me really lazy to text people. Unless the conversation is interesting. I don't understand how I used to text all day, about nothing. Such a waste of time lor. Okay la, can understand. If I'm texting someone I'm in love with, everything is interesting.

Are there anymore pros? Oh yes. There's a lot more time to focus on things that I want to do, without having to make time for meet ups with the other half. Like, if I wanna go shopping after classes, I'll just go. I don't have to think if I'm meeting my other half later or anything. Just, go.

Oh ya oh ya, one more. I can sing more sad chinese love songs by 張惠妹. Hahahhahaha. I really like sad chinese love songs lor. But when in a relationship and you begin to sing/listen to all these kind of songs, people will think that something happened between you and your other half. But no. I just like this kind of songs la!

Of course, there are cons as well. As I'm the kind where I like to share everything that happened in the day to my boyfriend, I didn't get to share to anyone. Which is quite sad. Cause I'm actually quite talkative when the topic is something I can relate to.

Also, I no longer go watch movies randomly anymore. I only watch movies when my sister has some premiere tickets to share. Or when friends suggested going to watch a movie together. If not, nope. Never go.

I'm taking lesser portrait photos. When I have a boyfriend, I like to take photos of us whenever we go out. But now, aiya, take selfies very troublesome one leh. Cause the focus is all on you. If taken with another person, the focus gets divided. Hahaha. Which also means, my Facebook profile picture changes less often.

And finally, something that is common to all single people out there. Seeing loving couples out there. Envy envy envy.