Tuesday, November 05, 2013

30 Day Challenge Day 05

Day 05 - A time you thought about ending your own life.

I am actually someone who is pretty scared to do life-changing decisions. I will ponder and ponder for a long long time before I actually tried to do something that might change my whole life. So about ending my own life? Nah.. Its too scary. I actually haven't really thought of ending my own life before.

Perhaps when I was younger, I did thought about this issue before. But I wasn't really depressed or whatever. I was just curious about what if I ended my own life. I've ever asked questions to myself like, if I would have the courage to end my life by jumping down the building? I really don't understand how people have the courage to end their lives by jumping down high rise buildings. Its like, what if you regret when you are on the way down??

I've also thought of dying by suffocating in water / under a pillow. Which is impossible to do it on your own because everyone will struggle by nature. Unless you throw me into the deep sea or try to suffocate me under a pillow.

I've grown to cherish my life a lot. I'm a very "kiasi" person. Like when crossing big stretches of road, I usually will run across screaming if there's any car approaching. I don't want to die yet okay. I also will consider if my heart can take it if I take rides like gyrodrop / spaceshot  in theme parks. So, to date, I haven't really tried any yet.

*abruptly ends the post cause I can't think of anything to end this post properly.*

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