Monday, November 04, 2013

30 Day Challenge Day 03 & 04

Omg. I actually forgot about this while I was free at home the whole day yesterday. Hahaha. Day 03 and 04 are so boring. So sorry but I think I'll just pass. Okay la.. I write a few paragraphs.

Day 03 - Your views on drugs and alcohol.

Well, I don't do drugs, and I know nothing about drugs so lets skip that. As for alcohol, I don't like beers. I don't understand why people like beers. Its so bitter and gasey. Totally not worth drinking at all. Ciders are fine for me, wines are fine for me too. 

I've drank like a full can of beer once, and the feeling that came after is definitely not good at all. Cider, half a bottle once. Both times, same thing happened to me. My face goes red, then its a little hard for me to breathe, like there's something stuck on my chest. Then I feel all warm and humid. And then headache strikes in. The feeling is not nice at all. Then I want to sleep. 

I can't imagine if I were to take like a shot of hard liquor. I'd probably faint. Hahahaha. Don't wanna try. 

Day 04 - Your views on religion.

I'm a Buddhist. Erm. Actually, I have no views on religion.

Okay, bye bye. Hahahaha.

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