Sunday, January 01, 2012

Happy new year everyone! (: Was supposed to blog about what I'm about to be blogging LAST YEAR. But I got lazy, and I procrastinated till this year. So yeah, I'm here. (:



- Received O levels results. (L1R4 17)
- Fall out of love. (A relationship with full of up and downs, lasting 1 year & 3 months)
- Chose poly courses. (Mostly Design related)
- Working two jobs, every single day, no offs. (Weekdays, office job, weekends, pizza hut)


- Spent Valentines Day alone. (So sad right.)
- Work = life. (Everyday still work work work)


- Went for my first X-RAY check up.
- STILL, working everyday.


- Got to know Desmond, my current boyfriend. (Chatted a little on Facebook)
- Went for Design Orientation Camp, had a great time there. (I do miss it, alot)
- Started studying in Temasek Polytechnic Design School. (Interactive Media Design)
- New friends, new life.


- Chatted a little more through Facebook Chat with Desmond.
- He asked for my number, using this tactic. "I lost my number, can I have yours?"
- Too much to cope in school assignments, stopped blogging frequently.


- Desmond went for interview at Pizza Hut, wanting to work with me.
- He got employed, and it was the first time I met him face to face.
- I found him quite nice. (:
- We got together after a week. (Kind of rush actually)


- School re-opened, back to rushing assignments
- Celebrated my Birthday with Desmond, Michelle and Heng quan.
- Celebrated my boyfriend's birthday at PRP.


- Attended my ex's birthday chalet together with my boyfriend. (Awkward)
- Created a movie poster.


- Went to Genting with family! (Until now haven't upload the photos)
- 4 weeks of holliday, worked everyday at Pizza Hut.


- Sister's 21st birthday Party.
- Officially brought my boyfriend to meet my parents a day before the party.


- CCA Camp, went alone without my friends, but made new friends.
- Attended a Darkroom workshop, developed my own flim using chemical.


- Went Singapore Zoo with Boyfriend!
- Got couple rings.
- Designed a logo, and designed all the stationary and applications.

Last year passed quite fast, and a lot of things changed from JANUARY to DECEMBER. I've made new friends, lost old friends. Lots of changes to my life.

And so, for now, its should be time to mention about my New year's Resolution.


- 300dpi. (Hahhaahahha, just kidding)
- Firstly, I want HEALTH. Its the most important thing.
- Wealth is getting more important nowadays. I don't wish to be rich, I just need enough to spend.
- I want to be a more understanding girlfriend.

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