Thursday, July 05, 2012

1st Year Anniversary. ♥

One year just went by like that. I think I did not have much changes, but perhaps, I do, but just didn't realise it myself. But this relationship have definitely changed A LOT.

Well, there are good changes, as well as bad changes. We definitely know each other more, but also had less respect for each other. Don't wanna go on about this, so yeah, our first year anniversary!

I had classes in the morning till afternoon, so we decided to just celebrate it by having dinner together. Singapore is really small and we've been to many places together. So we decided to check our I12Katong. Both of us haven't been there before in fact.

We took the bus from Tampines Interchange. He waited for me there, and when I arrived, he surprised me with a bouquet of flowers!

Actually I got suspect, but never confirm only. Hahahahaha. Alright, then the long long bus journey to I12katong.

Hehe, when we reached there, we kind of got bored by the small mall. We went around deciding which restaurant should we have for dinner. We decided on TGIF. As it was still early, we went to have Ice Cream at Marble Slab Creamery.

And then he gave me his Handmade gift!

Well, I'm usually the one who always give handmade gifts, while he don't. He give like things that are bought straight from the store. With mny influence, he made a handmade gift! Hahaha, the concept is the same as my gift for him. Not bad, got improvement.

This is the book I gave him. Almost similar, but mine more artistic. HAHAHA. :D

After the ice cream session, we decided to go over to Parkway Parade to walk walk, since its still quite early, and its just nearby. Arrived at PP, and we found quite a few interesting shops to walk walk. Actually planned to have dinner at 8pm, but both of us couldn't wait, so we decided to head back for TGIF!

On our way out, we went by Crystal Jade Kitchen. Their menu attracted us. However, our initial plan was TGIF. So... as usual, we flipped the coin. The results was Crystal Jade! Haha, went in right away.

Our food. ITS ALOT. I don't know why. We ordered 4 courses, but the Peking duck was seperated into 2 dishes. So it became like 5 courses. Plus dessert, its 6 courses. Hahaha.

Its even more filling than buffet. Both of us ended up super bloated. At this time, he brought out another gift! Hahaha, its a couple necklace!! OUR PHOTO ON IT!!! SO COOOOOL!!!!!

Hahahhaha, full of surprises. Always giving me gifts one by one at different timing lor!

Oh! And forgot to mention, he asked me to choose one necklace at the shop, then he pay for it. Hahaha! So rare siah! SO HAPPY! :D Chosed this because its cheaper and still nice. I don't want him spend so much money! 

Thats all for our 1st year anniversary celebration! Looking forward to our planned 1st year, 1st month, 1st week, 1st day celebration. Because its... USS TRIP!!!! :D :D :D

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