Monday, December 31, 2012

Goodbye 2012, Welcome 2013.

Its the end of the year again. I don't really remember all the things that has happened throughout the year, but I can still remember a few significant ones. Maybe the picture below could summaries it for me. 

Well, lets start with the achievements I've made this year.

- Promoted to Star.
- Designed a poster for the company.
- Recognition for receiving compliments by customers.
- Trained new staffs.
- Received the Sliver Award for the Excellent Service Award 2012
- Cross-trained in Front of House and Back of House.

- Achieved a GPA of 3.56 for Semester 2.1!!! (Cumulative GPA is now 3.48)
- Learned a lot more skills in Adobe Photoshop & Illustrator.
- Made my own portfolio online.
- Learned to speak Japanese!
- Illustrated my own face!!!

And for being 18 years old this 2012, I've had a lot of first times too!!
- Watching an M18 movie in the cinema.
- Buying the lottery, and actually striking. ^^
- Drank a whole can of beer by myself. (I still don't like the taste of  beer)

Other than achievements and first times, I've also made many changes.
- Started watching Running Man. (I've never regretted this decision)
- Started saving money.
- Started exercising at the gym. (Even though I've stopped going for months now..)
- Created an Instagram account. 
- Came back to blogging.
- Lost a total of 8 kilograms. (I'm so happy OMG)

Of course, I've had many regrets this year as well. A list of things that I regret not doing and things that I haven't done. Mostly, those new year resolutions that never gets stroked off the list.
- Getting hold of my own ATM Card. ):
- Creating my own blog shop.
- Go clubbing. (I just want to have an experience)
- Still socially awkward. T_T

And many many many more. I just couldn't think of them right now. Before starting this blog post, I really couldn't recall what happened this year, its like not much significant changes. But once I start thinking hard and typing them out, I realized so much has happened. 

As for my love life, well.. I don't have one now. I've loved and lost, but I don't regret. I believe people came in to my life to teach me things, and even if they left in the end, at least I've learnt something. I want to start afresh in the coming year 2013. I should stop clinging on things that is not mine, just because I'm too used to it. 

So.. whats my new year resolution for 2013?

I don't know. I'm too afraid if I list them down, I'll never achieve them. As you know.. new year resolutions are always the things that we want to do, but are too lazy to try achieving them. Hahaha! So lets end this with a nice tip for the new year! (:

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Wing Chun Kuen Traning Centre TVC

This is the TVC my group did during our advertising module before the holidays! Take a look! 

Really thankful for all the people who made this happen!! There are a total of 3 TVCs! :D

Wednesday, December 12, 2012


Today is a special date so I guess I should blog. Hahaha, been so busy with work and assignments this month that I don't even have time to blog. Tomorrow is submission day and my group are done with what we are suppose to do, I guess, we'll just sleep and rest well tonight for tomorrow's submission? :D

This is the card that we have designed for a new scheme for DBS Bank. I like our design very much! We even printed a prototype and kept one each for ourselves in our wallets.

This is our Wing Chun proposal book! This is the non-destroyed version though. We went crazy and burnt the sides of the book today, so that it will look old. We even threw the book around so that it will seems old. We're crazy, but I think it really do look like a super old book now.

Also, recently I've been watching this Taiwan Drama on Funshion. 

Its so super nice! Heh heh. I've been spending all my travelling times watching this drama. I think after I finish watching the last episode tonight, I won't know what to do next time when I'm travelling to work. :/ 

Oh, and we're finally having a planned outing after being friends for so long. Everytime we go out, its either just lunch after school or other stuffs, never once the three of us planned to meet to go out. Hahahaha!

Ohya, and just nice the date is on 21st December 2012. THE END OF THE WORLD. Hahahahhaaha, I don't think the world will end right? Hahahha, but if world really end, I wonder how I will die. ):

And, I guess I will really blog about my Genting trip 2 months ago, sooooooon. :P Hehehehe. I'll find time, okay? Heh heh.

Below are updates of some of my instagram photos recently. If you guys didn't follow me on twitter or instagram. (:

And finally, these are my lovely classmates! :D

Wednesday, November 21, 2012




新的戒指失了光澤 幾年過了呢
沈默著 天快暗了 我們該把 往事收拾了
再多說 也回不去了
後來的 都沒關係了
縱然我 想起你的 某年某天 歷歷還深刻

分開後有一段日子 躲得遠遠的
終於我 都走完了 慢慢也懂 當時不懂的
此刻你 生疏的溫柔
觸及我 結痂的傷口
以前多 不能原諒 如今都能 笑著說出口

我曾為你快樂 也曾為你挫折
曾把你 緊緊抱著 緊緊依賴著 緊緊地愛著
離開很不捨得 以為會崩潰的
卻在最痛的時刻 最感覺清澈

思念偶爾 參雜淚水 很快就乾了
時間會 幫我負荷 讓我的痛 淡掉了顏色
相遇在 熟悉的路口
翻攪著 內心的沈澱
遺失的 那個永遠 永遠還是 留在我心間

緣分沒有 再一次選擇

Friday, November 09, 2012

Its been 3 weeks.

Hello readers! I have a little bit of spare time today so I decided I should spend some time blogging. (: Never blogged since school reopen, its been 3 weeks already. Next week would be submission week and I still haven't start coding the website. I hope I will be able to complete in time!

Because we were doing our own portfolio website, I decided to try illustrating my own face for the first time. So.. here it is. And I admit, I don't know what to do with the nose. T_T

This is the original picture, from which I took reference from. 

Oh, and I couldn't blog about my Genting trip because my sis have not. Because some of the pictures are with her. I think by the time she blog about it, I've already forgotten what happened at Genting. ):

Its been so long since I last went to the gym, I think my stamina now is back to square one. Really couldn't find time to go to the gym. Or maybe, I'm just too lazy.. :X Oh well, no motivation for me anyway.

There's so much more going on in my life right now, but I just don't know how to express my thoughts and feelings. Because expressing them out might lead into more disputes. Really don't know what more can I do now. I feel so.. helpless. I don't think anyone can help me in this, only the person who made me became like this, can solve this problem I'm facing. But too bad, I think the person didn't notice, or maybe, don't even care. Moreover, I'm not that important anymore.

I guess I have to depend on myself even more now. I don't know how my future would be like, but I hope, it will be much more better than how it is right now. I believe I'll be even more happier once I reached a decision. Most importantly, I must have a strong will. And I'll be strong. 

Thursday, October 18, 2012

End of holidays

Hi guys, I'm back from a short holiday trip at Genting Highlands last night! Went there on Sunday for 4D3N, and I can say, it wasn't a really great trip. A lot of things screwed up from the first day at the check in. Will elaborate more about it when I blog about it! I promise to blog about it okay? Last year's genting trip, I never even uploaded the photos to my computer. Hahaha, I have no idea where is it now.

This week is the last week of my school holidays. School reopens on Monday. I hope the modules will be much more easier this semester. Last semester was a whole lot of codings. I don't like codings. ): However, I am very very happy with my results! Got 2 As, 3 B+s and 2 Bs. And that two B grade I get, happens to be from the lecturer that I dislikes most. Last semester's B grades were also from the lecturer I dislike most. :/

My GPA for this semester is 3.56! Very happy that I improved. :D So for my CGPA now, its 3.48. I want to maintain grades like this. I want to keep on improving! My first semester GPA during year 1 was 3.38, second semester was 3.50. So it sort of pulled up my CGPA. Now that I got 3.56 GPA, my CGPA was pulled up to 3.48! Next semester results must be at least 3.50!!!

Timetable have also came out while I was in Genting. I've got my most wanted CDS since year 1, which is Basic Digital Textile Creation. Haha, but Evelyn and Shirley got different CDS from me. I'm gonna be alone again. T_T Why I always kena CDS that makes me separated from everyone!!

Lastly, I hope this year will end great and happily. (:

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Wake me up when september ends

September is about to end. Didn't I just said Hi to September? Soon we'll all be saying goodbye to 2012 also. Time really pass by faster and faster as you grow older. But things I love will still remain the same.

So.. this is the amount of soft toys I sleep with every night.

Posted this picture on Instagram a few days ago, and people were shocked. Hahaha, I should already be expecting this. Even my boyfriend doesn't want to buy me any more soft toys because my bed is already half filled with them. Can't stop my love for adorable soft toys.

Last night, we had a quarterly staff meeting & recognition. Instagram-ed about the letter I received from the company. I love feeling the sense of achievement and also being appreciated.

Soon, working wouldn't be as fun anymore. Today is just the first day and I'm already having a shitty day at work. So many staffs didn't turn up, and all of us who went to work, worked like shit. Argh, not going to talk about it.

Ending this post with a current most loved photo of us! :D

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Holiday Mood

Hello! I'm currently on my holidays! One month of holidays. (: Finally no need to stress over school assignments. Anyway, I've been working everyday for the past few days, that I don't even have time to use my laptop. Today, I had this chance to use my laptop because I work till 5pm, then went home for dinner. Hahaha, so I decided, I should update this blog while I can.

My previous blog post was so saddening, I know. But when I wrote that, there was some things that I did not know. Some things happened afterwards. Found out some stuffs and it was really unexpected. I really don't want to write it down here, so as to protect the other person. So, yeah. Its kind of over now already, I hope.

I have every reason to give up on him after I knew about it, but I still chose to stay. I've learnt to look into his good points and appreciate the things he do, instead of always complaining about what he don't do or digging into his bad points. The situation has became better, but I'm still waiting for him to be ready to start afresh with me.

I forgive everything that he had done. And I hope, he will be able to do the same. To put down the past, and start afresh. Build trust in our relationship, and communicate more. I will cherish him even more this time round, if I get the chance.

Don't want to make this a super long post so I just have to stop here. Bye people! Next few days I'll just be working and working, if I have time, I will update this blog. And also, I'm going Genting on the 14th to 17th October. Afterwards, I promise to blog about it! Not like last year, didn't even bothered to upload the photos. So.. stay tuned!

Monday, September 03, 2012

Hello September

Hi guys, its been awhile. (:

In a blink of an eye, its already the 9th month of the year. How the hell did this year passed so quickly? Looking back 3 years ago, I didn't know my life would turn out like this. I thought I will always be stuck with that guy, and never get over him. But well, I did. Even though it took more than a year to get over him, I eventually did. Memories do bug me sometimes but its the memories that I miss, not him. Even if one day I suddenly met him all over again, I guess it will be different, and we possibly wouldn't work out. Things are different and people have changed. We no longer suit each other. Let the happy memories stay within my secondary school life. (:

After him, I've learnt a lot of things. I actually realise did not put in much effort into that relationship. Through the next guy, I've learnt to be more initiative, to be the one making the first move. Planning events and trying to solve problems in the relationship. I admit, I couldn't get used to it at first. I just felt so tired as am putting in so much effort. Part of me that time, was still thinking about the previous one. I missed him, because he was the one that thoroughly understood me, without me having to point out anything. He just could see. When I was with this guy, he could sense whenever I'm feeling down, even if I did not show it. I'm like an open book to him. Don't know its just coincident or what.

But soon, I realise I should really let him go, and be fair to the guy I am having. I should stop comparing them. One step at a time, I finally let go. I put all my heart into this guy, and tried to compensate all my wrongdoings. However, he couldn't trust me again. Nevertheless, I stayed on, and proved to him that I'm no longer stuck in those memories. Things got better after awhile.

Its very difficult for me to be comfortable with someone. Not just guys, even girls. It will take me a long time before I can start to become totally comfortable with someone. And he did it, I became very comfortable with this guy. I could say out my feelings without any hesitation. It felt almost like a married situation where both parties are comfortable with each other. And soon, we really did turned out like most married couples; getting too comfortable.

When married couples get too comfortable with each other, respect is gone. We started respecting each other lesser and lesser. The words we say were hurtful, the actions we do don't go though our minds. We started to take each other for granted. And when he stopped doing all those things he used to do for me like when we were still fresh, I felt unloved. Despite several quarrels over this issue, things still aren't solved. He just always pushes the problems aside, and expects it to be solved by itself. I tolerated and tolerated. I have never ever experienced something like that. I didn't know what to do.

Then, I took a wrong step. I, too, stopped everything that I used to do. I thought it could wake him up, but no, it backfired. None of us are putting in any effort into the relationship. Things worsen. We texted lesser and met up lesser and lesser. No more night calls, no more morning and good night texts. I don't know what happened. Every morning, I woke up expecting to see a good morning message, but I waited in vain. I was always the one sending the first text message each day. I felt sad and helpless.

Neither did he came to fetch me from school or send me home from work anymore. Unless I asked him to, then he would. A few times, I brought up the topic, but as usual, it got pushed aside. I was in dilemma, whether to bring up the topic of separation. But I couldn't bring myself to. I did not want to give up so easily, I thought I could change him, but no, I was wrong.

And the time finally came, we fought about the same issue. After that night, he did not text, nor called me. I was waiting for him to text me first, but as expected, he did not. He's not the kind that would take the initiative. I waited in vain. I kept extending the time, the time to give up on him. From the whole morning, till the whole afternoon and the whole night.

Finally, he called, at 12am. He spoke to me as though nothing happened. I couldn't take it, I wanted to ask him why he could not text me the whole day and now, acting as though nothing have happened. I asked, and he said, he was tired. Tired of this relationship. He didn't know what to do. And so, I gave him two options. To keep on trying, or to give up. My heart was wishing he would say he will try, but my mind told me, he won't. I was right about him, he chose to give up. I gave him a second chance, and asked if he was sure. He gave me the same answer. With that, I hung up the phone. And I was single, all over again.

All I wanted was for him to fight for me, but he did not. I was disappointed. Very disappointed. Especially when he confessed that he have been smoking all these while. I thought he have quitted. But no, I was in the dark all these while. I never knew I could be fooled by him. I was heartbroken. Why is this happening to me all the time?

A few days after, I was fine. I went on with life like usual, and I actually felt better during the weekdays. I need not look at my phone and I could concentrate on my assignments. However, all the feelings start rushing back during the weekends. We worked in the same company. It was awkward. Very. We were like strangers, with memories.

I find myself trying to catch his attention, still having a little bit of hope in him. I know he still do love me, but he just don't wanna try. Maybe, I wasn't an impact to him, and its okay to not have me in his life. He don't mind losing me, at all.

Today is the third weekend after our broke up. Still, false hope every weekend. Disappointments after disappointments. I don't know how long will it take for me to put down everything about him. I used to think I don't love him that much, that I could easily get over him. But I was wrong. I can't let go just like that. I am fine during the weekdays as I could easily make myself occupied with the pile of assignments I have. But when the weekends come, all those feelings came rushing back all over again.

I find myself scrolling through the timeline, waiting for him to post a tweet, so I could know whats happening to him. I can't deny this. I wasn't like this, I didn't use to give a damn to what he tweet. But why am I like this now? And I swear, I felt a tint of jealousy whenever some girl talk to him. Maybe its the saying; "You never know what you have, until its gone".

Here I am, pouring out all the feelings I've kept this few weeks. I didn't planned this, I just suddenly typed all of this out. Maybe I just need a space to put down my feelings. All I wanted was for him to take the initiative. I want to feel wanted.

All my friends asked me if he asked me for patch, would I accept. I said, he won't ask me. Because I knew him too well, he isn't the kind who will try and solve her problem or take the initiative. He would rather be suffering, than do all these. Yeap, maybe I'm not enough for him to change. So, just hope some other girl will be able to change him.

Maybe if I say a few more times that I'm over him, I will be. I've convinced everyone else that I'm never going back to him, expect my heart.

You know, sometimes girls don't want a new boyfriend. They just want their current one to change, to become better. But most of the time, the guys don't understand. They always say that they are not good enough for them and ask them to find a better one. Why can't they understand?

To him who is reading this, or maybe not: I don't know what you're thinking until now. Maybe you don't want to hurt me once more or what. Whatever you choose to do in the end, I'll respect your decision. Maybe we could be friends, I guess. I wish you'll find someone who is able to tolerate all your imperfections. Sorry, I'm not the one.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

We got married - YongSeo Couple

I recently fell in love with this YongSeo couple after watching the first 9 episodes of YongHwa (CNBLUE) & SeoHyun (SNSD) 's We Got Married.

Their love story is so different from the usual couple relationship nowadays. I used to dislike SeoHyun a lot before I watched this. I find her weird.. But after I watched, I couldn't help but fall in love with her innocence. I started watching this because I like YongHwa. Hahaha, fell in love with him through RunningMan.

Back to their love story, I like how YongHwa chooses to move slowly in the relationship. Because SeoHyun never had a boyfriend before, so he wanted to let her experience how its like to have a boyfriend. They were a little bit awkward at first, but slowly, they become so sweet together.

Also, YongHwa teached SeoHyun how to play the guitar. I admit, I have a fetish for guys who play certain musical instruments. Such as guitar, piano, and drums. ^^ 

Since when love should be so stressful? This is what love is supposed to be, simple and sweet.

And this is the song that YongHwa wrote, and they both sang it together. I'M SO ADDICTED TO THE SONG!!!

This is YongHwa singing by himself. (: 

And SeoHyun playing on the guitar that YongHwa teached her.

I wish they were a real couple.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Selamat Hari Raya!

Selamat Hari Raya all Muslim people out there!

Today is just an off day and relaxing day for me! Went to Tampines with family!
Dressed casually cause I stay in Pasir Ris. Nearby only! Just like how I usually dress for school. (: I can't wait for this module to end and then happily enjoy my 1 month holidays. Really too stress with school these few months. Maybe because we are mostly learning codings. Hate them! I prefer print works.

Did this poster for Pizza hut sometime ago, very satisfied with it! Though I could see some small minor alignment mistake. Want to fix them everytime i notice it. ): 1 pixel means a lot. Hahahahha!

Oh, and, I'm single now. It will take some time for me to get use to single life, but I know I can get through this. In fact, I think I'm feeling much better now being single than feeling lonely while attached.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Updates of my life.

Half a month since I last blogged. Its currently P2 now and I have no extra time for blogging. ): Even though I have a little time for online shopping. Hehehehe. Follow me on TWITTER @joanneCHIA or INSTAGRAM @joannnechia to keep updated about my life. I'm more active there now than here. Plus afterI had Instagram, I stopped using my digital camera. So, all the photos later on are from instagram. :/

Recently, I just chopped 15cm of my hair. I cut straight somemore. I MISS MY LONG LONG HAIR. ): Very miss it. You seeeeeeeee!!!

Cannot see the ending. Hahhaha, oh and I bought this online recently. Did not had a chance to use it yet though. :/

Tomorrow is submission for 1st interim presentation. Thursday will be the actual presentation! I'M READY FOR IT. :D

Wish me luck! Okay bye!!!!

Friday, July 27, 2012

18th Birthday Celebration

Yesterday was my 18th Birthday! :D Well, I've never held any party for my birthdays before, excluding those when I was young where it was celebrated at home with childhood friends and parents and all. So, for my 18th birthday... still the same. :/ Hahaha. Maybe my first birthday party will be for my 21st birthday? (:

Nevertheless, I still had mini surprises by my lovely friends and boyfriend. (:

First one was during Sunday, after work, Michelle, boyfriend and my workmates surprised me with the cake and also sang birthday song for me. Michelle did this for me last year too! I still remember we did something like this for some other workmates, then I casually said that I want it too for my birthday. And she really did it! So sweet right? ^^

 Thanks Yong Xin for this gift!! :D

Yesterday we had class at 12pm. So as usual, I went to class at Level 6. So, the lab was at one corner, meaning there is two ways to get to that corner. Usually I will walk all the way to the front then turn, but don't know why I decide to change route and turn first before walking straight. And right there, I saw Evelyn and Shirley busy writing the birthday card they made for me. HAHA!

They were shock to see me cause they assume I will come from the other side. They laughed without sound. Hahahahahaha! So they sang birthday song for me and presented me with their present and a cupcake! Thanks so much for the "surprise". Hehehe, still very happy!!!

After class, I was suppose to meet my boyfriend at the bus stop. Then Shirley asked me to accompany her to the toilet. She usually always go toilet, so I did not suspect anything. And she said Evelyn went off to do her project. I thought it was normal cause we had APEL assignment to hand up the next day. So I was totally clueless about the surprise they were about to give.

As soon as we walked out of the toilet, suddenly Evelyn appeared from no where and started singing birthday song. I was shocked because it happened so sudden. Like, I just walked out from the toilet. Hahhahaha, the second thing that shocked me was my boyfriend appeared with a birthday cake! Totally did not expect my boyfriend would be there. Boyfriend said I was smiling in glee throughout the whole surprise. Hahah, I AM HAPPY WHAT!!! :D

Thanks so much for planning all these for my birthday!! Love you guys!! ^^

Lastly was birthday celebration with my family. (: As usual. MY CAKE! :D

Making a wish.

My birthday present from my family! LIKE FINALLY!! MY OWN HARD DISK! :D

 Just realise my recent blog post, the photos are all taken from instagram. HAHA, toally neglected my digital camera one I had instagram. So much more convenient.. but the quality not as good. Hahaha!

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Left this place not updated for almost 10 days already. ): I was so busy with school assignments that I even forgot that my birthday is coming next week. HOW COULD I ACTUALLY FORGOT ABOUT MY BIRTHDAY? I remember I used to be aware of it 1 month before the actual day, and getting excited over it as the day comes nearer.

But now? I don't feel any excitement at all.. Why is this happening? I'm not even looking forward to it.. ): No plans at all.

Recently feeling quite mundane over things. Maybe stress from assignments? Japanese? Or something else. Yeah..

Oh ya, I have a role play that has to be spoken in Japanese Language. No cue cards or looking at scripts. Scripts have to be memorised before the role play. Shit man. Its so difficult. Not only we have to act, we have to speak fully Japanese. Memorising is already so difficult, how to act and recall at the same time? Oh well.. this is life..

Uh... why am I getting all emo over here. :/

Alright, things to look forward to. Dinner with Boyfriend, Iffah and Azlina at Pizza Hut Nex this coming Friday. Visiting Lifang, our former manager. (: Kind of miss working with her. (':

Since I'm not looking forward to my birthday, I shall look forward to the present I'm receiving. Daddy is going to Sim Lim Square tomorrow to get me my hard disk! Something that I really need. And I hope during my birthday, we will be able to dine out as a family too.

Omg, since when did I became so homely. HAHA.

Alright, website submission and presentation is tomorrow, wish me luck! Actually I'm done with it at school today, but I'm still hesitating to burn it into a CD, cause what if I want to make any last minute changes? Hahahaha, worry too much. :/

Monday, July 09, 2012

Found this Blogger App while briefly browsing through the Social networking Apps on the Apps store. So now I'm here updating my blog using this app!

I had a few problems logging in at first, but now it seems fine. Just have to wait till this post successfully gets posted.

Anyway, recently, I got hooked up to Running Man all over again. Haha. So I have been watching it everyday. Especially when. Shirley passed me the video files. HD somemore siah. Hahaha. Damn clear and also no need to wait for buffer. This gives me even more reason to watch!

Hehehe, should end here. Otherwise I will waste my time typing if this does t gets published. Bye!!

Thursday, July 05, 2012

1st Year Anniversary. ♥

One year just went by like that. I think I did not have much changes, but perhaps, I do, but just didn't realise it myself. But this relationship have definitely changed A LOT.

Well, there are good changes, as well as bad changes. We definitely know each other more, but also had less respect for each other. Don't wanna go on about this, so yeah, our first year anniversary!

I had classes in the morning till afternoon, so we decided to just celebrate it by having dinner together. Singapore is really small and we've been to many places together. So we decided to check our I12Katong. Both of us haven't been there before in fact.

We took the bus from Tampines Interchange. He waited for me there, and when I arrived, he surprised me with a bouquet of flowers!

Actually I got suspect, but never confirm only. Hahahahaha. Alright, then the long long bus journey to I12katong.

Hehe, when we reached there, we kind of got bored by the small mall. We went around deciding which restaurant should we have for dinner. We decided on TGIF. As it was still early, we went to have Ice Cream at Marble Slab Creamery.

And then he gave me his Handmade gift!

Well, I'm usually the one who always give handmade gifts, while he don't. He give like things that are bought straight from the store. With mny influence, he made a handmade gift! Hahaha, the concept is the same as my gift for him. Not bad, got improvement.

This is the book I gave him. Almost similar, but mine more artistic. HAHAHA. :D

After the ice cream session, we decided to go over to Parkway Parade to walk walk, since its still quite early, and its just nearby. Arrived at PP, and we found quite a few interesting shops to walk walk. Actually planned to have dinner at 8pm, but both of us couldn't wait, so we decided to head back for TGIF!

On our way out, we went by Crystal Jade Kitchen. Their menu attracted us. However, our initial plan was TGIF. So... as usual, we flipped the coin. The results was Crystal Jade! Haha, went in right away.

Our food. ITS ALOT. I don't know why. We ordered 4 courses, but the Peking duck was seperated into 2 dishes. So it became like 5 courses. Plus dessert, its 6 courses. Hahaha.

Its even more filling than buffet. Both of us ended up super bloated. At this time, he brought out another gift! Hahaha, its a couple necklace!! OUR PHOTO ON IT!!! SO COOOOOL!!!!!

Hahahhaha, full of surprises. Always giving me gifts one by one at different timing lor!

Oh! And forgot to mention, he asked me to choose one necklace at the shop, then he pay for it. Hahaha! So rare siah! SO HAPPY! :D Chosed this because its cheaper and still nice. I don't want him spend so much money! 

Thats all for our 1st year anniversary celebration! Looking forward to our planned 1st year, 1st month, 1st week, 1st day celebration. Because its... USS TRIP!!!! :D :D :D