Wednesday, October 01, 2008

but so sad, I'm not children ler
cannot get presents!!

"Don’t you just wish you could go back in time where nothing in the world mattered?

I really want to go back to those days. Where nothing mattered except what you ate, what you watched, when to go to bed, and what stuffed animal you snuggled with. You didn’t have to worry about money, what clothes you wear, and how to work a TV. Times when you just watched the bright pictures go across the screen, you didn’t care about what was going on in the story, you just knew it was a happy ending. The stupidest jokes would make you laugh and the simplest scratch would make you cry (okay maybe we can go without that). Where playing in the dirt gave you hours of fun as well as playing with dolls. When you older siblings didn’t care too much to tease you. You would go outside and play imaginary games with sticks and pretend to cast spells. You could hug the cat any way you wanted to. You have your parents read you a story, jumping your imagination to go into a whole new world. Where you would demand your mother to make extra food for your imaginary friend. Where acting like some sort of animal would make your parents laugh (and give you a jump start on your senses and balance, seriously). Where you could say a lot of random things and give everyone loads of entertainment. You were the princess for a day, sitting around waiting for someone to make you a good meal. Where your mind was open enough to figure out that throwing mud at the wall wasn’t that bad. When you were upset you would just have your imaginary friend cheer you up. The simplest of jokes would ALWAYS make you laugh. All someone had to do was make a silly face and you would roll over laughing. Where picture time meant get your face as dirty as possible before they can click the flash. When finding your mothers makeup was more likely going to make for many laughs in the future instead of making you beautiful now. Where cutting your own hair isn’t actually the best of ideas (we’ve all done it right?).

All you want to do when you little is run around outside chasing butterflies. You want to ask your parents stupid questions that they will never answer until you’re older. Sing along songs are the greatest thing to watch on TV ever. You demand that the entire family watch you sing “I’m a little teapot.” Banging on the piano IS music! The simplest toys or trucks can provide hours of entertainment as you run around smashing them into things. Dollhouses can be used two ways, to build a pretend family or set up a war force to bomb the OTHER doll house. Experiments involving ketchup are always allowed. When you are at a place with a free bucket of peanuts you spend hours with your brother finding out all sorts of strange ways to break them open, even if it meant getting pieces in your hair or your fruit punch. When you went to a buffet you would drop your gummy bears into your fruit punch and swirl the water around yelling “WHIRL POOL!” (That is fun people, really.) When spelling didn’t matter as long as the word was pronounced right. When you can scribble lines all over a coloring sheet and have your parents frame it. Then you look back on it in a few years and do a better one, using two colors. When finding a ball bigger than your body is probably the most fun thing you can ever do. You always asked to be pushed on the swing and the best play ground item is the see-saw, until you fall off, of course.

It was a time you DIDN’T know about hormones. You didn’t worry about having a good boyfriend, in fact you usually wanted to stay away from them. Where sticking out your tongue was the best form of offense. Copying any movie you see is the best way to have fun with friends. Where school consisted of puzzles, numbers, letters, coloring, cutting, and learning to read. If you were a girl you supposedly loved pink and if you were a guy you liked blue. As soon as you changed your mind your friends might hate you. Where making a complex craft apparently meant you were a genius. Candy equaled instant happiness. Barney WASN’T an evil being of death. If we saw anything cute we had to hug it, not matter what. Where we could say I love you to our parents without a worry of what our friends would think. Your dad was the coolest dad alive. You would sit in the baby pool splashing water all over anyone else who came near you. Where you pretended you were either: a shark, a dolphin, a crocodile, or a mermaid. The boogie man was always under your bed during the night. Santa and the tooth fairy were your heroes. Picking a flower would always make your mom smile.

It was a time where we didn’t know about war. We didn’t care about money or how it was used. We didn’t know about all the starving and lonely kids. We would never understand the mind scaring things we know today. We didn’t care about politics, history, geography, or science. In fact we just lived in a little world full of fluffy bunnies and flying horses where we could do anything we wanted.

How I wish the world was really like that.

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