Thursday, October 16, 2008


Looked into Msn Conversations History this morning.
last year's history.
seriously i feel that life is changing drastically.
there are so much difference in last year's msn conversation history compared to this year's conversations.

I seems to be a person who seems to be happy every single minute.
Relationship with friends are going great.
Everyone is treating me the way i can feel being cared for.
Everything are going my way.
but now, these are changing.
I seems to have more problems and troubles.
Relationships are on chaos.
Everyone don't seems to care anymore.
People are going on separated ways
People are living in different lifes.
Everything are going on a zig zag lane.

Everything changes.
People change.
Times change.
Relationships change.
Friends change.
Feelings change.
Emotions, they all change.

I don't want us to change.
I don't want what we have to change.
I don't want anything to change.
I want nothing to change.
But everything still changes.

Maybe I'm just thinking too much.
I just hope things change for the better.

I'm falling sick.

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