Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Hey hey! I'm blogging from my handphone now as my computer had some problems. So yeah.. I will make it short as typing a blogpost using small keypads, is no fun at all.

I've just dyed my hair this morning! Well, the colour I bought was Apricot Mocha. Its like dark brown on dark hair, and light brown on light hair. Hahaha. What happened was, the hair on my top were more lighter than my hair at the ends. Therefore, the ending results were like light brown/gold at the top, dark brown at the middle, and normal hair colour at the bottom. Hahahaha. Nevermind lah, at least it blends through. (:

Tomorrow is graduation night! I'm so so so excited! Finnally our prom night. Been waiting since I was secondary one. Hehehehe. Will be going over to Michelle's house together with Amanda. We can prepare together. Then Michelle's dad will bring us over! How nice! (: i cant wait for tomorrow! Alright, shall not blabber more about it here. Heh.

Alright, shalll end my post here now as my thumbs are about to get numb already! Gooooooodbye!! :D

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