Friday, December 03, 2010

Real Life Photoshop! :D

Good morning! As you realise, I'm always blogging in the morning. Heeheehee, because I always reach home like 12am, so I didn't get to switch on the computer to update my blog. Thus, I switch it to blogging in the morning before work! Brilliant! :D

Hehehe, yesterday was only 6 hours of work. 4pm to 10pm. I was appointed to do CSR. Well, CSR is the one who greet customers, then bring them to their seats. Which you may also call the host. (: Well, this job was pretty simple.

At first before 6pm, there were not much people, thus, Roszanah and I were making balloons. She only knew how to make one kind. So I got her to teach me. It was a mini flower. From that, I tried to make a sword. I've seen people making a sword, back in compass point. So I tried to figure out and it was a success! :D Also then, I tried and figured how to make a puppy! Wahahaha, it was a success too! I then drew eyes on the dog shaped balloon. So cute siah. ^^

I also twisted many different figures, but I think its kind ugly. Hahaha, I made a ribbon too! :D May tied it to a balloon stick and used it to decorate the restaurant. ^^

Last night went pretty fast, which was kinda great. But I don't like to be CSR. I prefer being food/drinks/soup server. Or maybe order taker also can. Heeehee. Hope I be drinks server today! :D

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