Sunday, December 13, 2009

I think I woke up around 8:30am this morning?
Don't know lah, I just now I'm so reluctant to wake up.
Wanna sleep more lor.
Nevermind lah, I'm not working tomorrow, I can sleep till late late! :D
Anyway, back to morning.
MRT-ed to Novena.
Feeling very weird cause like 4days never go work liao, then suddenly go back work.
Haha, reach restaurant in a sleepy mode.
Morning I be food runner. (:
I love being food runner, cause can like daydream, then food come, bring to the table then go back kitchen can liao.
Heeheehee. =p
Actually nothing much to blog about today in work luh.
Run food got nothing to say about der.
Hahaha, at night I also run food.
I'm getting so lazy to blog about today.
Cause like nothing really happened.
Run food, time passes so fast.

Anyway, I'm so addicted to my blog song.
LadyGaga's Bad Romance.
And abit of LadyGaga's Paparazzi. (:
Heehee, I remembered when I first heard Bad Romance, I was like so hating it.
Then a few days ago, I go hear the song again, I was like, Eh, quite nice ley.
I'm so sleepy and tired.
1:30am already.
Later gonna sleep till tomorrow morning when like afternoon? :X
Provided if my mum don't disturb my sleep luhh. ):

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