Monday, November 02, 2009

I'm so paranoid of getting hurt.
I am always getting my heart broken over and over.
My heart has so many scars and bruises all over it.
I don't know how much just one heart can really take..
And I don't really want to find out either.

It's like once you've been hurt, you're so scared to get attached again.
You have this fear that every person you start to fall for, is just going to break your heart again.

But you came along, and made me believed once again.

Even though, I still do get hurt, I feel that it was worth the pain, because I really love you.

But what can I do when for every single mistake I did, you mention breakups.
I forgive you for every mistake you did, I let them past
But all you did was to mention break ups for every mistake I did.

You ask yourself, how many times did you mention break up already.
Who is the one saying want to last long, and don't give up on you.

You make it really hard to love you sometimes.
But I'm not giving up.

I'm still holding on, but all you did was let go.

I want to cry, I really do, but I guess I just don't want to give you the satisfaction of knowing that you hurt me once again.

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